Top 5 Plants for Your Office

Top 5 Plants for Your Office

As we all know, office environments can be quite boring and sometimes strict in nature. We find ourselves stressed and overwhelmed with work piled over of heads. But little do some people know, it’s as simple as adding a plant to your office cubical, that can create a change in your whole environment. Plants don’t have to be messy and hard to manage, you don’t even have to have a green thumb. Here are the top five plants for your office space to help amp up your work environment.

All about Poinsettias (Nikki’s FAVORITE plant!)

All about Poinsettias (Nikki’s FAVORITE plant!)

It’s not quite Thanksgiving and the Christmas décor is already in full swing and you still need to decorate the office with wreaths, garland, Christmas trees, and POINSETTIAS! These magical mystical plants are the finishing touch to any holiday party.  But what are poinsettias and why are they so wonderful?!

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