by: Makayla Norton
Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, but if you’re looking for a little advice on how to choose the right style pot to match your plant’s personality, here’s my advice to you: Go with the pot that speaks to you the most.
Depending on where your plant is located and what type of plant you have, will play a role in what type of pottery you should select. If you select the wrong pot it can be like going to a first date wearing jeans and a tee shirt, your plant has a personality, let it shine. For plants like the snake plant or a cactus, a sleek modern pot, or a fun textured pot may be the best choice.
Orchids should go in something simpler so that it does not clash with the beautiful blooms.
If you want to make a bold statement with a ficus or palm tree, a tall columnar pot should do the trick. Unless the plant is the centerpiece on a table, don’t let the pot outshine the plant. Chose a color that is complementary to the room, and generally subtle in color. The good news is, most colors match green!
When planting your new plant into a pot, never go up more than 2 inches in size. In fact, keeping the plant in the black “growers pot” and hiding that inside a decorative pot is the best way to go! If you’re like me and change out your plants frequently, it makes it much easier! It also allows you to move the plant outside for cleaning easier, and if you ever have to re-pot the plant you don’t have to break your expensive pot to get the plant out! To hide your growers pot, add a layer of Spanish moss around the edges for a finished touch.
You should never have to look too hard for the perfect pot or perfect plant, let it find you.